News: Alright, thanks for your patience! The API got all screwed up 'cause of this major update, buuuut... I got all your goodies now. We got all the daily and weekly shit updated, as well as Spider's Korner.
We got a week until Black Armory and a new season of Crucible/Gambit/Strikes has started. I'll be working my way toward Mountain Top, hbu?
How to Get the Thunderlord
First things first, it looks like a lot of people are having glitches with this quest. Are you not getting the quest steps, it’s time gated, or she’s not giving you the next quests? If you are, please try relogging.
After doing some searches on Reddit, I found lots of people have issues. Most say relogging or trying it on another character works. If you have issues please comment or join my Discord. As I did this quest while it was releasing I didn’t have issues. Thanks 😀
Note: If you did not pick up the Thunderlord Quest before Season of the Forge started you are unable to start it. It will be in the normal loot pool.
Thunderlord Quest Step 1
Oh shit, looks like the Thundertoad quest step has appeared! Hopefully, it will be fun and awesome and a lengthy quest, what do you think? Thunderlord was one of my favorite weapons toward the end of Destiny 1, and I’m excited to see what happens. Are you ready to take this froggy journey with me all the way to completion and get the Thunderlord??
1: Visit Holliday
Aw, yay! We get to see Holliday again. Bungie really really wants to give her some attention. Me too… me too……..
2: Journal of the Reef Cryptarch
Alright! Looks like we get our first quest step.
Journal Pages Acquired 0/10
Amanda Holiday gave you the journal fo the Master Ives, but it’s empty. The lost pages are found scattered across the decryption algorithms of Legendary and Exotic engrams, and in the possession of challenging Fallen enemies in the EDZ
Alright, this one is super easy. Either you buy 10 engrams from that bastard Rahool, or just do an event on EDZ. Seriously, I got all 10 on the first event. It was whack tho. You’re supposed to get these bits while killing Major and Boss Fallen, and it lagged on me. I got like 2 bits, then all of the sudden got all of them and completed it.
Whatevs. Also, nearby guardians killing them in an event trigger you getting the bits too.
3: Journal encryption Cracked X
You’ve recovered all the pages of Ives’s journal, but the unique encryption on each page is uncrackable by conventional means. Amanda Holiday is reaching out to her network of associates and will contact you when she has any new developments.
Oh man, look, next step! I’m so excited. I want this Thunderlord so bad and…
That’s all she wrote.
Thunderlord Quest Step 2
Here we go again fambam. Looks like Amanda is like a crazy ex-girlfriend and just wont leave. Even though the Spooktober event is done, she still keeps texting us. At least its something funny. Bungie trolling us again.
1: Receive Next Step
Amanda hits you up ’cause she is lonely, and finds the next quest step. You’ll get this as soon as you login, Amanda Holliday is stalking your login activity…(Try relogging if it doesn’t automatically appear)
2: Journal of the Reef Cryptarch
Alright! Looks like we get our first quest step this week.
Amanda won’t reveal her source, but her efforts have paid off. The journal of Master Ives is decrypted and points to a new lead; the Fallen. Travel to the European Dead Zone, and scour Lost Sectors in Trostland for clues.
- Atrium
- Terminus East
- Widow’s Walk
This one is pretty easy, just do these three Lost Sectors! Here’s a patented Destiny Loot Cave map:
You can do these Lost Sectors in any order, Amanda doesn’t care. As long as she knows you’re out there thinking about her… So be sure to put your Ghost on vibrate so your notifications from Amanda don’t keep going off.
Also, be sure to check Spider for his bounties. This week Terminus East is one of his bounties!
3: Journal of the Reef Cryptarch
No signs of clues related to Master Ives, but there’s increased Fallen chatter coming from the Whispered Falls in the Outskirts of the European Dead Zone.
- Whispered Falls
DAMN ANOTHER STEP!! Do we get it? No, just another Lost Sector… I love this.
4: Journal of the Reef Cryptarch
And that’s left of Master Ives is a box full of his possessions and his tattered robe of the Cryptarchy. The trail has once again gone cold.
We answered our crazy ex-girlfriend’s text expecting some fun juicy new weapon and got nothing. Much like what would happen in real life…
All hail the Thundertoad!
I heard you were too lazy to read? So here’s a video.
Thunderlord Quest Step 3
Oh snap, is this it fellow Guardians? I guess we will find out. Come on, take this ride with me to see how Amanda is doing…
1: Receive Next Step
Back at it again, literally as soon as you finish the last step in Amanda Holliday rings you up. Like, seriously… I didn’t even get 5 minutes till this girl sends me a message. Whatever, Amanda. Better be worth it. (If you have issues, try relogging. If you still have issues comment below or join Discord thanks!)
2: Journal of the Reef Cryptarch
She goes on and on about how it’s important or whatever and only tells us “Found ’em”. Guess we better go say hi to our girl, Amanda.
Amanda Reached out to you with a simple message: “Found ’em.” Visit her in the tower and see what she’s learned.
- Return to Amanda Holliday
She can’t even go a week without seeing my lovely face.
3: The Lost Cryptarch
Amanda’s coordinates seem quite familiar – They’re inside Whispered Falls, in the Outskirts of the EDZ. Find the fallen transmat pad and see where it leads.
- Incomplete
Back to the Whispered Falls like last week/step, but this time it’s different we got a mission here.
SPOILERS, but I guess you knew that.
Alright, so just run in through the Whispered Falls ’cause you don’t have to actually beat it. Once you get to the boss room you’ll see a purple flag on the transmat, hit that button and look…
You’re in the Cosmodrone!
That’s right, we’re back baby. Bungie done did it. You gotta run into the wall and make your way to the boss chamber. If you’ve played Destiny 1 you’ll be familiar. The run to the boss room isn’t difficult, but before you get into the wall you do have to kill a Big Boi Shank.
Once you’re in the boss chamber you’ll see a few trash mobs then Master Ives’ Killer come out of the tube like the original E3 trailer.
Be careful, ’cause if you are soloing it this can get hectic. As you burn the boss, more and more adds will spawn. Luckily, they aren’t infinite spawns and you can clean them all up. I don’t know if it’s cause I hadn’t had my cup of coffee or I was just trash today, but they adds till kill me the first time. I didn’t realize there would be so many and tried to just focus the boss down.
Once you get Master Ives’ Killer down to about 1/4 health a Big Boi Servitor will spawn and start shielding losers. Two pops with a Whisper and he’s down.
Now just focus the boss down and win.
That’s not all folks, now you’ve got to escape!
You’ll be fine though, just run back out and hit up the transmat you came in at. The only enemies that are will be around are inside the wall, but once you make it out you’re home free.
4: The Lost Cryptarch
Master Ives has been avenged. Return to Amanda Holliday to wrap up.
- Return to Amanda Holliday
Profit: Ives’s Last Engram
Petra Venj entrusted Amanda Holliday with all of Master Ives’s possessions. Now that the Cryptarch’s death has been avenged, this engram belongs to the Guardian who brought that justice.
You will then receive an Exotic engram called Ives’s Last Engram. Any guess at what this is? I’ll give you 1…
Run over to the alive Cryptarch, decrypt and…

Looks like our crazy ex-girlfriend wasn’t just booty calling us. Well, I mean… Thunderlord is a pretty shiny bit of booty, so I guess she did. Not all ex’s are bad I suppose.
All hail the Thundertoad!
Now here’s the real treat, if you want to be a whale and spend REAL LIFE MONEY, Tessaverse has two skins for you in packages:
If only I wasn’t a broke SOB, this Sonic Fanboi wants to be Faster than Speeeeed…
Anyways, there you have it! Get you a Thundertoad and get croaking… I mean cracking.
Have a blast thunderstriking people, fambam!
Until then, checkout Mesa Sean‘s review!
Thundertoad – Thunderlord: FINAL STEP – Destiny 2
Oh snap, is this it fellow Guardians? I guess we will find out. Come on, take this ride with me to see how Amanda is doing…
1: Login
Back at it again, literally as soon as you log in Amanda Holliday rings you up. Like, seriously… I didn’t even get 5 minutes till this girl sends me a message. Whatever, Amanda. Better be worth it.
Thundertoad – Thunderlord: Step 2 – Destiny 2
Here we go again fambam. Looks like Amanda is like a crazy ex-girlfriend and just wont leave. Even though the Spooktober event is done, she still keeps texting us. At least its something funny. Bungie trolling us again. 1: Login Amanda hits you up 'cause she is...
Thundertoad – Thunderlord: Step 1 – Destiny 2
Oh shit, looks like the Thundertoad quest step has appeared! Hopefully, it will be fun and awesome and a lengthy quest, what do you think? Thunderlord was one of my favorite weapons toward the end of Destiny 1, and I'm excited to see what happens. Are you ready to...