News: Alright, thanks for your patience! The API got all screwed up 'cause of this major update, buuuut... I got all your goodies now. We got all the daily and weekly shit updated, as well as Spider's Korner.

We got a week until Black Armory and a new season of Crucible/Gambit/Strikes has started. I'll be working my way toward Mountain Top, hbu?

Mod Cooldowns

Alright, alright, alright, Mod Cooldowns on the field! There are a lot of numbers that go into play on Mods, and the general player doesn’t know “exactly” what they do. Obviously they reduce your cooldowns, but by how much? Well, Scrubby McScrubberson, I got you covered!

There are a lot of different values out there, and with all the updates that happen on Destiny 2 these numbers may not be exactly to-the-mr-t right but I will work on keeping them as accurate as they can be. But, use these more as a guideline to help you pick how many mods rather than the exact counter

For example, my internal counting says that Barricade base cooldown is 33 seconds, but my internal clock is whack, so whatevs!

Pro-Tip: Diminishing returns is a thing! This means the more mods you use the less that mod will apply. For example, the first hunter cooldown mod takes off 33 seconds and the 5th mod takes off only 13 seconds. In my opinion, the 5th mod is never needed and the 4th mod rarely is. Try going for 3 mods for one thing and 2 for another.

The way I personally have my 5 mods split is: 2 Dreaming City Mods, 1 Ordnance (Grenade) Mod and 2 Recovery mods. Choose your mods your own way, this is just a resource to help you out, boo.

Weapon Mods

  • Targeting Adjuster: This weapon gains better target acquisition.
  • (This makes your weapon “stickier”, when aiming down the site your reticle will stick better on enemy.)
  • Radar Tuner: Radar immediately returns when you stop aiming down sights.
  • (Wasted mod, don’t use this just git guud).
  • Counterbalance Stock: Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.
  • (Reduces recoil and makes it more vertical, depending on the weapon you might get rid of most of your “drift” which means the horizontal recoil. Great on Assault Rifles, Pulse Rifles, and SMGs in general.)
  • Freehand Grip: Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.
  • (This is best for Guardians who’s playstyle is quick and fire from the hip. It makes your weapon snappier to draw and easier to stick onto target, but not when zoomed in like Targeting Adjuster.)
  • Icarus Grip: Improves accuracy while airborne.
  • (Usually a wasted mod, very niche. Really only applicable for flight-y Guardians who stay in the air all day.)
  • Backup Mag: Increases magazine.
  • (This is not like Destiny 1, this actually gives you extra shots. It is weapon dependent so each mag increase is different. It gives the Trust 3 more shots FYI.)
  • Minor Spec: Deals extra damage against rank-and-file enemies.
  • (Increases damage by +8% to trash mob red-bars. Best used on your general weapons like Handcannons, Pulse Rifles, Assault Rifles, Scout Rifles, etc.)
  • Major Spec: Deals extra damage against powerful enemies.
  • (Increases damage by +8% to elite mobs, bigger mobs who aren’t bosses. Best used on your burst weapons like Shotguns, Swords, Grenade Launchers, etc.)
  • Boss Spec: Increases damage against bosses and vehicles.
  • (Increases damage by +8% to boss mobs. Best used on your high damaging weapons like Snipers, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Fusion Rifles, etc.)

If you want to see more on Weapon Mods, here is a video of Mesa Sean doing a dive into them:


Talk to us, bro!

Weekly Stuff

Flashpoint: Titan

Oh bother, we gotta put on a raincoat again this week. Titan is one of my favorite planets, just 'cause it's so different than the others. I'm never terribly upset when this one becomes the Flashpoint. Plus, if you haven't got the Rat King you can work on that too, right?

Until Flashpoint Reset









  • Warden of Nothing

  • The Hollowed Layer

  • Savathun's Song

Check out the Nightfall Loot Page

Until Nightfall Reset








Escalation Protocol

Bok Litur, Hunger of Xol


ALL Ikelos Weapons

Until EP Reset








Benedict's Weapon

Sins of the Past
Heavy Weapon: Rocket Launcher

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