News: Alright, thanks for your patience! The API got all screwed up 'cause of this major update, buuuut... I got all your goodies now. We got all the daily and weekly shit updated, as well as Spider's Korner.
We got a week until Black Armory and a new season of Crucible/Gambit/Strikes has started. I'll be working my way toward Mountain Top, hbu?
Destiny Loot Cave
What up fambam, want to know about Well, I dunno, I guess I could cover a little bit about it here…
Destiny Loot Cave is a response to a lot of things going on right now. Everything going on in regards to all the “gaming” websites, constant popup ads, and a general disconnect from gamers and game “journalists” is the real driving force for Destiny Loot Cave. I’m tired of having to either click through a shit-ton of ads, dig through five pages of Reddit search, or watch YouTube videos for everything that I need in a game.
That’s a lie, I love digging through Reddit and YouTube videos. This give me a since of “research” which goes a long way to me keeping my interest in a game. But, the more that I game the more that I realize I am the exception.
Most people don’t want to have to go through 18 steps to find critical information on Destiny.
My goal with Destiny Loot Cave is to provide everyone from Scrubs to Vets (on their third character) who just want quick easy guides without any hubbabaloo to find what they need.
I’m not nearly finished with this site so keep watching to see all the stuff that I provide!
Currently, this is a one-man show. So while I am passionate about this and want to make this something big, there are things that will take a while to accomplish. I want every section to have my art featured on it, that keeps me dedicated to drawing and provides a personality to Destiny Loot Cave that you can get no where else.
Right now, the goal of this site is to be a resource that “hardcore” Destiny players can give to “scrubs” so that scrubs can improve. The better the blueberries are in Destiny, the better all of our gaming experience is!

Kerdack – Titan Bro
DJ “Kerdack” Combow
So a bit aboot me… I’m DJ Combow, my gamertag is Kerdack and has been since I was a kid. I’ve been gaming as long as I can remember. While I did grow up with a Nintendo and Sega (and even an Atari, shiiiit…), the Sega Genesis was the console that put the biggest impression on my kiddo brain.
I’ve always wanted to be an artist, for forever and a half. When I got Sonic on the Sega Genesis, I was encapsulated. The design, colors, gameplay, and “GOTTA GO FAST” attitude had me clambering for more. I ate up every bit of Sonic entertainment that I could. I collected the comics, watched the SatAM cartoon religiously, everything.
Sonic is the reason why I became an artist.
Even as I get older, the nostalgia of drawing Sonic warms my cynical old-man heart in a way that nothing else can. I’ve since become a much more well-rounded artist and grown way past only drawing a little blue hedgehog. Artistically, I work on adapting contemporary American painting style with pop-art (American and Japanese), and paint as a chill-out pass-time.
I am a nerd through-and-through, and watch any scifi that I can get my hands on and collect classic DC Comics. I grew up reading the Star Wars EU and probably know more useless knowledge about Star Wars than I do about real life shit, like cooking…
My career path has been a strange one. I worked retail, worked as a CSR at a call center, was a car salesman for like 3 months, managed a Gamestop for years, and even taught graphic design in college. Now I’ve put my graphic design and web skills into becoming a web developer.
This site has become a passion project of mine. Something that is a culmination of everything I like to do: gaming, web design, drawing, and teaching.
Anywho, I dunno how a good segue to close an “about me” would look like. So, see ya’ later.
Want to help?
- Join my Discord, let me know what you think should be on the site.
- Become a Patreon, if you want to support me in my efforts this will go a long way!