Eris MornI’ve been playing Destiny since the Alpha of Destiny 1. Throughout Destiny I have held strong opinions on how good (or rather how bad) the story of Destiny is. I understand that there are plenty of Lore Heads of Destiny, and if you are one of them… good for you. ’cause I am definitely not a Lore Head.

I’m more of a “show it; don’t hide it under three levels of apps and on a pc internet related wiki style page that is whacky and hard to read“.

Honestly. if Bungie was really interested in telling me a compelling story, they would have told me one in the game. I get that the lead writer had difference or whatever during Destiny 1 but whatever. However, when The Taken King came out, something changed… Whatever happened, they actually had a compelling character. In my opinion, the FIRST compelling character of Destiny: Eris Morn.

Eris Morn actually got me interested in the story of Destiny. Everything before her was “place holder scifi plot” in my opinion. But Eris? She was something else.

Eris Morn was an old Guardian who got stuck in the Moon. Yeah, not ON the Moon, IN the Moon. She was a Guardian who worked with our boy Toland and for Mara Sov (among others).

After crazy battles she found herself in a mission to the Moon with her Fireteam as their expert Hidden Hunter. They were to kill Crota before the looming Hive threat reached Earth and the Traveller. But their plan went horribly wrong. The Fireteam was seemingly killed, and Eris Morn lost her Ghost. Trapped under the surface of the Moon, deep in Hive territory the Hellmouth she survived.

Eris Morn is a survivor, she is a Guardian who embodies what we love in pop-culture. Heroic heroes. Not only did she survive for who-knows-how-long in the Moon, but she lost her sight. But did blindness stop her? Hell no, she took some eyes off of a goddamn Hive Acolyte and fused them onto her face using tricks she learned from her friend Toland’s Journal and an Ahamkarah bone that she found. Whodafuq does that?

This is where you meet Eris Morn. And all of this is implied through conversation in Destiny 1. It was fantastic to see the Vanguard being noticeably uncomfortable that the failed Eris Morn had returned, mauled and tortured and molded into something more than she once had been. With a cynical outlook and eyes of darkness, Eris was not there to joke around despite how much Cayde-6 tried.

She, Eris, was actually interesting. To my knowledge, she was the first really well rounded Destiny character in the whole lore to be seen and explained in the game.

Her social awkwardness and the unease that she made the other Vanguard was a dynamic that we had not seen in Destiny before. She brought more to the table than just her spookiness too, she also brought a shard of an Ahamkara.

But where is Eris Morn now?

Supposedly she is out searching for the next Hive threat with her unquenched vengeance and tight bod, she is sure to be kicking some ass if this is the case.

But really…

I don’t think that is where she is.

I think over the last few years she has been…

Relaxing and honing skills in her latest passion:

Playing Beach Volleyball.

That’s right, I wrote this whole thing just so I had an excuse to put Eris Morn in a skimpy bikini.


Have some sexy Eris Morn merch

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