Militia’s Birthright – Nightfall Weapon Review
What’s up fambam, Kerdack here with another blog. Wondering where I’ve been with your favorite shitposting blog?
I got it, I was a lucky SOB and got the godroll Militia’s Birthright within an hour of running Lake of Shadows – Nightfall. Since then I’ve been running content across PVE and PVP to give you the what’s what on this primary grenade launcher. So first of off, here is my Militia’s Birthright in all its sexy glory:
How to get Militia’s Birthright: Chance to drop from Lake of Shadows Nightfall
So why did I grind so much and work so sweatily to get this weapon? Since damage 2.0 I’ve been in a weird twilight period of my Guardian’s life. See, the Sunshot was my favoritist of favorite weapons through the whole first year of Destiny 2. But when 2.0 came out and brought in Shotgun/Sniper meta the Sunshot had no place to be. It was a weird mid-range energy slot handcannon that screwed up the best energy slot snipers and shotguns.
Since Forsaken I’ve been forcing myself to adapt, and I have found a great Trust roll that I’ve been running with. I’ve adapted to using a primary sniper and Trust in my secondary. But that left my exotic in my heavy slot and everything was whacky.
Enter Militia’s Birthright.
With Militia’s Birthright I can now run a primary grenade launcher for quick burn, Trust for general adds, and Whisper for large burn!
Okay, so that’s why I’m using it, but what exactly does the Militia’s Birthright bring to the table?
What I’ve found using it, is that with Spike grenades you do hella damage to majors. I found that naturally I was using it to 1-2 shot most majors in strikes and Gambit, this thing tears up the blockers! So I slapped a Major mod on it, and damn dude it does work.
With quick draw and auto-loading holster it is ALWAYS ready when I need it, and I can quickly tear down those blockers.
In PVP, I am garbage with it though. I think that after a week or two I can probably get it down like the Fighting Lions, but without proximity grenades I always fall back to equipping a better weapon.
What perks would be good?

- Quick Launch is by far the best barrel perk, the blast radius is maxed out and stability doesn’t matter. Quick Launch gives you velocity and handling
- Proximity Grenades and Spike Grenades are the 2 shining stars here. Spike lets you deal more damage on direct hit.
- Quick Draw or Graverobber would be what you want next. Quick Draw for that snappy draw time, or Graverobber as this is a single shot so any melee immediately gives you a shot in the chamber back.
- Auto Loading Holster now only takes 3 seconds to reload. With Quick Draw and Auto Loading Holster you just switch weapons every time you shoot and will be ready next encounter.
So what are the cons?
- Using this in your primary slot obviously takes a lot of good weapons out of your options
- SLOW reload
- Single shot
- Is it really better than a Shotgun?
For my personal play style I love this. It has vastly improved my ability to burn through PVE content. My problem has always been having fun killing adds over taking down Majors or Bosses. With this I’m able to still use Whisper and my Trust with Dragonfly to have fun killing adds, then whip out my launcher to nuke some bitch-ass Majors.
This is definitely a niche weapon though, and I like to pride myself in playing with unorthodox builds so I doubt everyone would like this weapon. However, if you want to try a goofy new style and be a little sweaty in Crucible while screwing your teammates over cause you can’t hit a goddamn thing… Try this shit! Its drop rate is super high, I got mine within an hour, my buddy got 2 in a short grind period, and most people I played with got a Militia’s Birthright.
So try it out, and be a weirdo with a grenade launcher primary. Just wait to you see how many Majors you can oneshot…
Please note, this is a new format for blogging to me: doing weapon “reviews”. Please comment and let me know how I can improve, what type of insights you want, or if this is fiiiine.